The header image is of a fat woman laying on top of a tattoo table. There is text on top of the image that says "Heavryspace Inclusion in Every Space" written in thick green bubble letters.


Toni PNW, a fat tattoo artist, sits in a chair smiling at the camera. She is wearing pink gloves and holding a tattoo machine.

For Fat Artists and Providers

Explore how to create inclusivity in spaces that historically exclude our bodies.

A close up photo of a tattoo artist working on a thigh tattoo. Both the artist and the client are fat individuals.

For Fat Clients

Tips on how to indentify inclusive, welcoming spaces and how to advocate for your access.

A thin woman and a fat woman hug one another at the beach on a cloudy day.

For Allies

Steps you can take to support equal access and belonging for all bodies.

A hair stylist stands behind a fat client in a salon chair.

For Business Allies

Resources for removing barriers and ensuring your business is accessible to all.


Heavryspace is a platform created by tattoo artist Toni PNW that provides tools, resources, and support for fat clients, providers, business, and allies. Together we can reshape the current standard of exclusion to one where all bodies are valued and celebrated across multiple industries and greater society. Whether you're a someone looking for fat-friendly spaces, or trying to create them, Heavryspace is here to support you.

a fat woman embraces herself on a sunny day. She smiles upward toward the sky.

Support Heavryspace

Donations help make the creation of these resources sustainable and keep them free to access and share.